Success Favors the Prepared Mind, Body & Spirit































Fukien White Crane Kung Fu & White Crane Chi Kung  Health Method

Pai Hur Chuan Chi-Kung 

Internal White Crane Kung Fu

What is believed, or commonly accepted by Chinese Martial Arts historians, is that the Fukien White Crane System was developed by a young woman (Fang, Chi Niang) who was born in Lei Chow Fu, Fukien Province, China in the 1600's.  Her father, Fang Fei Tsze, was a kung fu teacher who studied at Nine Lotus Mountain in Fukien Province.  This is the place many historians indicate as the location of the famous "Fukien Shaolin Temple".


Legend has it that Fang Chi Niang studied Shaolin Kung Fu with her father and attained considerable skill. There are differences in how she brought about the formation or development of the crane system, but most agree that she observed the movements of the crane as the bird defended itself, and incorporated its defensive postures into her father's Shaolin Kung Fu.


Since this system was developed by a female.  It is obvious that the success of her system would not have stood the test of time if men with greater strength were able to defeat the proponents of white crane kung fu.  In looking at the very nature of the crane as a creature. We see a large bird that must exist in an environment where it is considered prey by larger and more fierce creatures. We know that nature equips all of its creatures with the ability to survive, and endows each of them with individual skills for that purpose. 


The Fukien White crane system does not advocate high kicking techniques.  Strikes with the legs are focused at vital striking areas located at the middle body area or below. Sweeping or leg-reaping techniques are an important part of the self-defense strategy.


Hand blocks and strikes imitate the various crane-like formations such as: Bird’s beak, Crane wing, Eagle claw, Slapping bird, etc. The use of crane technique focuses on the premise that the student remains flexible and generates power from the "tan-tien", while utilizing the cunning of the crane to be elusive and explosive in its demonstration of power.


The literal definition of chi-kung as viewed by Chinese Masters and medical authorities is:-breathing exercise therapy.  Chi-Kung has been studied and practiced by the ancient masters for more than two thousand years. If not more.   


Advocates of Chi-Kung practice focusing on health benefits and exercising for healing and strengthening the muscles and joints.  Martial arts enthusiasts focus more on improving breathing and blood circulation for internal and external strength.


White crane forms are designed to lock the student into a concept of strong foundation and fluid moovement. While freeing the student to be able to utilize the techniques in a realistic manner just as we use the letters of the alphabet to form new words, techniques of the white crane system should be used to provide an all-encompassing repository of self defense methods to be called upon as needed. 


The movements of the crane are designed to elicit fluidity, economy of motion, suppleness, internal force, and reciprocal action. The expression of power is best demonnstrated by relaxation and proper breathing.



Benefits of Chi Kung

  • Improves Overall Physical Fitness
  • Tones Muscles
  • Burns Calories
  • Alleviates Anxiety and Stress
  • Reduces Blood Pressure
  • Strengthens Circulation of Blood and Oxygen
  • Increases Joint Flexibility
  • Alleviates Pain
  • Strengthens Memory and Enhances Concentration
  • Improves Balance and Coordination
  • Generates a Sense of Emotional and Physical Well-being
  • Elevates Energy and Mood
  • Heals the Body and Mind
  • Teaches Self-Defense





Grandmaster S. L. Martin

Grandmaster S.L. Martin began his martial arts training in 1955, and has studied exclusively in the far east under noted Asian Grandmasters and Masters.  His studies include  training under Grandmasters S. Nagamine (Matsubayashi Shorinryu), E. Shimabukuru (Shorinryu), H. Soken & F. Kise (Matsumura Shorinryu), R. Okuyama (Hakkooryu Jitsu), Y. Kotani (Kodokan Judo), Y.S. Lee (Shaolin & Praying Mantis), Y. Ansei (Shorinjiryu), Chen Man-Ching (Yang Tai Chi Chuan), Lu Hung Bin (Tai Chi Chuan, Shaolin & Pa Kua Chuan), Wang Shu-Chin (Hsing-Yi Chuan & Pa Kua Sword Techniques), Hung Yen Fung (White Crane), and Honorable Grandmaster Hung Wen Hsueh (Shaolin Dragon, White Crane & Pai Hur Chi Gung).


In addition to his extensive travels and studies, Grandmaster Martin holds the rank of 6th Degree Black belt in Shorinryu Karate, 4th Degree Black Belt in Hakkoryu Jitsu, 3rd Degree Black Belt in Shorinjiryu Karate, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kodokan Judo, Gold Sash in White Crane Kung Fu. Grandmaster Martin is also an honorary Grandmaster in Okinawan Seidokan Karate by S. Toma of Okinawa.


10th Level Grandmaster in Ching Lung Kuoshu, and disciple of Grandmaster Hung. Master Martin was officially adopted into the "Hung" family in 1995, and given the name "Hung, Jin-Hu". He was also officially awarded the banner of the "Taichung Hsueh Dau Kwang" organization and authorized as the U.S. Grandmaster of the Taichung Fukien White Crane System. 


Master Judie Martin

Master Judie Martin is a student of Fukien Invincible White Crane Chinese Martial Arts. She has studied directly under the tutelage of Grandmaster  S. L. Martin since 1988.   Additional studies include Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, Southern Shaolin, Seven Star Praying Mantis and White Crane Chi Kung.  Master Martin has also accompanied her teacher on six trips to Taiwan, R.O.C. for personal study with White Crane Grandmasters.  Master Martin was appointed “Martial Arts Coach ” for the Taichung Tang Shou - Dao Shyue Dao Kwang Association, by Grandmaster Hung Wen Hsueh in July 2006. Master Martin is the Senior White Crane Disciple to Grandmaster S. L. Martin. 


1381, Suite B, Route 38, Hainesport, New Jersey 08036


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